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CAP Accreditation – Frontage Central Labs and Our Commitment to Quality

Cap Accreditation Blog Post

In September 2022, Frontage Central Labs was awarded the prestigious CAP prestigious from the College of American Pathologists (CAP), certifying our excellent quality of laboratory services. Read the complete news story here:

Frontage Central Labs is Awarded the Prestigious CAP Accreditation from the College of American Pathologists.

What is CAP accreditation?

The CAP’s Laboratory Accreditation Program is known as the “champion of laboratory excellence,” and is the world’s largest board-certified pathologist organization leading improvements in the quality of services using established performance standards. “The CAP equips accredited laboratories with the knowledge, skills, and resources to remain current and relevant in an evolving health care landscape.” Only laboratories that meet the highly specific and stringent quality expectations for the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program are awarded the accreditation. The on-site inspection happens once in two years to assess if the laboratory being tested is still compliant. This inspection typically involves checking management and staff qualifications, all laboratory instruments, facilities, and records. The CAP accreditation process nearly takes a whole year from application to the attainment of the accreditation. Having this successful inspection and accreditation highlights that Frontage Central Labs is committed to the highest standard of quality and care.

CAP Accreditation Process Map

Why does CAP accreditation matter?

Patients and health care practitioners both depend on diagnostics and laboratory tests. The accreditation program ensures that the laboratory offering such services is upholding standards for high-quality testing. The accreditation program is updated regularly to align with the changes in laboratory medicine and technology and in the regulatory space. The inspections take place periodically to ensure that the laboratories being inspected remain compliant or have constructive suggested changes to work on. Frontage’s CAP accreditation provides confidence to clients when choosing Frontage for high-quality laboratory services.

“Frontage Central Labs is committed to the highest standard of quality, and we are proud to have received this accreditation.”

Dr. Nan Zhang, the CLIA Laboratory director and VP of Global Central Lab Services

“This is a truly great achievement by the Frontage Central Labs team, which we have received in recognition of the high quality of our services and scientific expertise. As always, we remain dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of patient care and safety possible.”

Dr. John Lin, EVP and Global Head, Bioanalytical and Biologics Services

Frontage Central Labs offers routine lab testing services, histology, pathology services, and more, helping assess patient health and diagnoses. Frontage Central Labs can also be found in CAP’s Accredited Laboratory and Biorepository Directory.