Current Clinical Research Studies
Call now, 1-877-298-9071 (press option 1 for recruitment) to see if you prequalify to come in for screening. Refer a friend who participates and receive a referral bonus.

Nuevo Estudio: Estudio de investigación para el posible tratamiento de la enfermedad hepática asociada con la acumulación de grasa y la inflamación.
Active Study
Participe en un ensayo clínico de fase I
Gane entre $3,325 y $8,050 por su tiempo y participación.
Criterios de elegibilidad
Para participar, debe:
- Ser un adulto hombre o mujer saludable
- Tener entre 18 y 55 años.
- Tener un IMC de entre 18 y 32 kg/m2
- No fumar, no utilizar vapeadores y no usar otros productos de tabaco
- Tener buen acceso venoso
Dalles del ESTUDIO:
- Grupo de dosis única ascendente (DUA):
- 1 visita de selección
- 4 estadías nocturnas (5 días en total)
- 6 visitas ambulatorias + 1 llamada telefónica de seguimiento
- Compensación: hasta 3,325
- Grupo de dosis múltiples ascendentes (DMA):
- 1 visita de selección
- 16 estadías nocturnas (17 días en total)
- 1 llamada telefónica de seguimiento
- Compensación: hasta $8,050
Apply for this study

New Study: Research Study for Possible Treatment for Liver Disease Associated with Fat Accumulation and Inflammation.
Participate in a Phase I Clinical Trial
Earn between $3,325 and $8,050 for your time and participation.
Eligibility Criteria
To participate, you must:
- Be a healthy male or female adult
- Be 18 to 55 years old
- Have a BMI between18 and 32 kg/m2
- Be a non-smoker, non-vaper, and not use other tobacco products
- Have a good venous access
Study Details:
- Single Ascending Dose (SAD) Group:
- 1 screening visit
- 4 overnight stays (5 days total)
- 6 outpatient visits (OPV) + 1 follow-up phone call
- Compensation: Up to $3,325
- Multiple Ascending Dose (MAD) Group:
- 1 screening visit,
- 16 overnights (17 days total)
- 1 follow-up phone call
- Compensation: Up to $8,050
Apply for this study
Surgically Sterile Participants
New Volunteer Enrollment
Frontage Clinical Services is Seeking New Participants
Males who have undergone a vasectomy
Females who have had a surgical sterilization procedure such as tubal ligation, hysterectomy, oophorectomy.
Click Here for Future Study Consideration

New Volunteers!
New Volunteer Enrollment
New to the clinic
Paid Compensation
Healthy Male and Female participants
Must be 18 years old and older
Willing to participate in overnight studies
Click Here for Future Study Consideration

Referral Program
New Volunteer Enrollment
Frontage Clinical Services is looking for volunteers to participate in clinical research studies!
Be compensated for referring a friend!
Ask us about our Referral Program
How does it work?
- Refer a friend/family member who has never
contacted Frontage Clinical Services before to call
us about participating in one of our research
studies. - Your referral must give your name and telephone
number to our recruitment staff during the initiation of the profile creation! - If your friend/family member completes a study
with us, you will receive a bonus for each referral. - It’s that simple!
Click Here for Future Study Consideration