John Choi, MS Joins Frontage as the Vice President of Clinical Services
John has over 30 years of experience in clinical project management, clinical and regulatory strategies, and clinical operations within CROs and sponsor companies. He is well experienced in all phases of clinical trials both in Asia and the US.
Prior to joining Frontage, John was the Executive Clinical and Regulatory Advisor for WMSG, W Medical Strategy Group, an international consulting firm. Previously, he has held various executive positions including Executive Director and Head of Clinical Operations at a pharmaceutical company, Director and Head of Asia Pacific Clinical Operations and Strategic Sourcing Solutions at a global full-service CRO, and Chief Executive Officer at a specialized CRO.
John’s experience and his understanding of end-to-end management of clinical trial conduct, clinical operations P&L, optimization of clinical trial strategies, and leading cross-functional clinical operations teams have led to successful completion of projects in timely and cost-effective manner in his previous organizations.
With a passion to leverage science with technology, John has completed 3 years as a pre-med student majoring in Chemistry and minoring in Biology before switching to the faculty of engineering. He received BS and MS degrees in Computer Engineering from the Boston University.