Technology Platforms
Flow Cytometry


Supporting Comprehensive Quality Assay Development
Flow cytometry or FACS enables cell population-specific measurement of signaling changes. Frontage supports sponsors with de novo assay development and subsequent compound screening using cell lines, donor PBMC, and whole blood.
Some representative assays we have developed include:
- CD4+ / CD8+ T cell population in patient PBMC
- GM-CSF stimulated pSTAT5 in lysed whole blood
- Interferon alpha stimulated pSTAT1 in lysed whole blood
- IL-2 stimulated T cell proliferation
- IL-2 stimulated pSTAT5 in PBMC
- IL-4 stimulated pSTAT6 in PBMC
- IL-6 stimulated pSTAT3 in PBMC
Uses of Flow Cytometry
- Flow Cytometry in Early Drug Discovery
- Flow Cytometry in Cell and Gene Therapies
- Flow Cytometry in Clinical Applications
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Flow Cytometry
Supporting comprehensive quality assay development

Ligand Binding Assay
In the context of PK analysis, ligand binding assays are utilized to measure the concentration of a drug …

Automation plays a crucial role in industries; it allows experiments to be completed faster and with fewer errors.