Central Laboratories & Testing

At Frontage, our team of experts have years of experience in clinical and Central Lab Services, providing excellent project management support and logistics services.
Our experience gives us the ability to offer clients best practices in workflow, laboratory logistics services, strategic and operational alignment, and agility when it comes to sample collection and processing.
Kitting, Logistics, and Project Management
Customized Lab Manual for Collection Site: Detailed collection, storage, and shipping instructions based on method development and laboratory requirements; Lab manual creation with a quick turnaround time to facilitate site activation – typically within two weeks of contract execution; an updated version of Lab Manual per client request.
Kits Supplies and Services: Custom-designed kits built to the client specifications including instructions, collection devices, collection tubes, labels, and return shipping information; independent quality control review for each kit.
Supply Chain Management: Frontage takes supply chain security seriously, especially in this pandemic/post-pandemic environment. We have contracted multiple supply vendors and generally maintain a large and decentralized stock of commonly used lab and logistic supplies. The supply monitoring system allows us to real-time monitor our inventory. We are also flexible in providing instructions, lab manuals, and supply lists for sites that could ‘build their own kits’ and we have experience supporting de-centralized clinical trials.
Digital Sample Tracking: Barcode generated directly from LIS system reducing clerical errors.
Logistic and Testing Process Workflow

Sample Distribution and Tracking
We have expertise in the management of shipment and distribution in multiple places around the world including. Kits can be distributed to worldwide sites and samples can be received globally at Frontage. We leverage world-class cold chain shipping partners for time and/or temperature-sensitive materials.
Logistic Service Key Deliverables
- Lab Manual Creation
- Kit Design & Build
- Customized Reagent Kits to Sites
- Tests Ordered in Site Portal
- Labels Generation
- Specimen Tracking
- Kit Re-ordering
- SJV Training
- Clinical Trial Site Training
- Kit Tracking and Inventory Supplies
- Problem Reconciliation
- Supports Centralized, Hybrid, and Decentralized Clinical Trials
- Super Site Support
Resources To Consider

Central Lab Test Menu

Fact Sheet: Central Lab Services

The Next Generation Central Lab