
We provide solutions to our clients from Pre-Clinical & Discovery through to Clinical Trial & CDx Support. Frontage uses advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to provide fast, accurate, and customized results you can trust. 

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Frontage offers a comprehensive portfolio of genomics services to meet the needs of our clients

Frontage offers end-to-end genomics services, from nucleic acid isolation through data analysis and interpretation, to provide manageable datasets and comprehensive results packages.  

Rapid Turn-Around Times 

At Frontage, we pride ourselves on the ability to offer rapid turn-around times for all genomics services. Our workflows are optimized for high-throughput samples processing to accommodate a large number of samples in a short amount of time.  

Meeting Regulatory Standards 

Our genomics services laboratory is CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited and meets the GLP regulatory standards. 

Frontage offers pre-validated NGS-based LTDs for oncology and pharmacogenomics that are CAP-accredited. Custom NGS, qPCR, or droplet digital PCR assays can be set up and validated under GLP or CLIA. 

Navigate the Landscape
of Biomarker Discovery

Check out our eBook entitled Sequencing Assays for Biomarker Discovery and Pharmacodynamics in Oncology Studies.

Download eBook Here